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Industry Co-Projects

List of year 106~108 (2017~2019) Industry-University Cooperation Research Projects


Associate Professor Yu Yi-Di


Project name: " Using Convolutional Neural Network to Recognize Finger Posture"

Apply programming skills to "Artificial Intelligence" and "Practical Topics" courses to strengthen teaching content.

Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data and program development.

Instruct students to publish their results in the " 2019 Southern Taiwan Health Care and Health Industry Symposium ".

Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.


Project name: " Application of Internet of Things to Develop Smart Home Monitoring System"

Apply the Arduino system and smart sensors to the "Smart Health Care Network" course.

Hire students as research assistants to cultivate students' Arduino program and APP development ability.

Instruct students to write seminar papers and submit papers for the 2018 Teaching Practice, Industry-University and Technology Application Seminar.



Associate Professor Chuan-Pin Lu


Project Title: "Study on Using SMART Principles to Enhance the Effectiveness of Students' Practical Technology Learning - Taking the Internet of Things Practice Course as an Example"1. Apply programming skills to the courses of "Programming", "Internet of Things Practice" and "Operating System" to strengthen the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs.4. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.


Project name: "Development of an artificial intelligence system for mushroom image measurement"1. Apply programming skills to the courses of "Programming", "Windows Programming" and "Mobile Device Programming" to strengthen the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs.3. Instructed students to participate in the " 2018 Innovative SI Service Competition" , 108.03.09 , and won the national "second place".4. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.


Project name: "Commercialize technology of expert control system for mushroom growth with artificial intelligence"1. Apply programming skills to "programming" and "operating system" courses to strengthen the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs. 


Project name: "Development of feedback environment control system for mushroom cultivation room based on Internet of Things and image vision"1. Apply programming skills to "programming" and "window programming" courses to strengthen teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs. 


Project name: "Development of a skin image detection system based on computer vision"1. Apply programming skills to "programming" and "digital image processing" courses to strengthen teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs.3. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.


Project name: "Portable skin imaging testing equipment based on computer vision"1. Apply programming skills to "programming" and "operating system" courses to strengthen the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data, integrate resources and power, and develop programs.3. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.



Assistant Professor Chung Shu-Chiang


Project name: " Fast R-CNN with deep learning applied to object detection"1. Apply Python programming skills to courses such as "programming" and "artificial intelligence" to strengthen the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability in data collection and analysis, database training set creation and program development.3. Instruct students to publish their results in the " 2019 Southern Taiwan Health Care and Health Industry Academic Seminar".4. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.


Project name: "Research and Application of Image Processing Technology in Facial Expression Recognition"1. Apply the skills of writing BCB windows programming to the courses of "programming", "window programming" and "image processing" to enhance the teaching content2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data and program development.3. Instruct students to publish their results in the " 2017 International Conference on Information Technology".4. Instruct students to publish their results in the " 2017 Southern Taiwan Health Care and Health Industry Symposium ".5. Instruct students to publish their results in " Meihe Journal ".6. Instruct students to write the results into topics, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute.



Assistant Professor Li Yu-Yao


Project name: " Design of multi-group out-of-position warning system"

Apply practical writing techniques to related courses such as " Network Programming " , " Embedded System " , " Smart Sensing Application " and " System Analysis and Design ".


Project name: " Develop a farm environmental monitoring system"1. Apply programming skills and business networking technology to related courses such as "programming" , " network programming " , " embedded systems " , and " intelligent sensing applications " .2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data and program development.3. guide students to participate in the " 2018 years of teaching practice _ academia and technology applications Seminar" oral report.4. Instruct students to write the results into a topic, participate in the research institute selection, and pass the national university research institute. 



Assistant Professor Chen Chien-Haing


Project name: " Using deep learning technology to apply to the development of an automated positioning system for milking cows' teats"1. Instruct students to learn the principles and methods of camera lens correction2. Instruct students to understand deep learning algorithms, stereoscopic image ranging principles, image processing techniques and robotic arm movements3. Instruct students to establish the program development ability of the robotic arm motion control system 


Project name: " Development of automatic feeding robots"1. Instruct students to understand the image processing algorithm and establish the energy of image processing technology2. Instruct students to develop the correct attitude for research



Assistant Professor Wen Chuan-Pin


Project name: " Towards a real-time video object tracking and identification system using combined recurrent neural network"1. Apply programming skills to "web design", "cloud system experiment" and "database" courses to strengthen the teaching content.2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data and program development.3. Instruct students to write seminar papers and submit posters for the " 2017 Taiwan Health Care Joint Academic Seminar".


Project name: " Somatosensory game in stroke rehabilitation system development"1. Apply programming skills to the "Game Programming" course to strengthen the teaching content.
2. Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability to collect and analyze data.3. Instruct students to write seminar papers and submit papers to the "Eleventh International Conference on Information Technology and the Seventh Network Intelligence and Application Seminar".



Lecturer Cheung Yukai


Project name: "Health Care Network"

Cultivate students' system analysis, Gaoping Municipal Government's medical open data application and database establishment.

Apply website system development programming technology to "dynamic web design" and "database programming" courses to strengthen teaching content.

Instruct students to contribute to the " 2019 Southern Taiwan Health Care and Health Industry Academic Seminar".


Project name: "Health Management Information Network"

Apply system development programming technology to the courses of "Dynamic Web Design" and "Database Programming" to strengthen the teaching content

Appoint students as research assistants to cultivate students' ability in demand analysis, data collection and web design.

Instruct students to submit papers for " 2017 Southern Taiwan Health Care and Health Industry Academic Seminar".